Andrew McKenzie

- Affiliate Faculty, Indigenous Studies
- Associate Professor, Linguistics
- Director of Graduate Studies, Linguistics
Contact Info
1541 Lilac Lane
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Education —
summa cum laude
with distinction
Research —
Research interests:
- Formal Semantics
- Theory-Driven Language Documentation
- Native American Languages, especially Kiowa
Selected Publications —
Journal Articles and Refereed Book Chapters
McKenzie, Andrew. 2021. Mediating functions and the semantics of noun incorporation. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory.DOI: 10.1007/s11049-021-09511-4
McKenzie, Andrew. In press. Switch-reference and event cohesion. In Languages and Linguistics of Indigenous North America. Carmen Jany, Marianne Mithun, & Keren Rice, eds. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter Mouton.
Liu, Cynthia, Andrew McKenzie, and Gary Sutkin. Semantically Ambiguous Language in the Teaching Operating Room. Journal of Surgical Education. Available online (in press). DOI: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2021.03.020
Bates, Jonah, & Andrew McKenzie. 2021. A plural-to-singular reanalysis cycle. Journal of Historical Syntax 5:24 1–16. DOI: 10.18148/hs/2021.v5i16-25.65
McKenzie, Andrew & Jeffrey Punske. 2020. Language development during interstellar travel. Acta Futura: Journal of the Advance Concepts Team, European Space Agency 12: 123–132. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3747353 (.pdf).
McKenzie, Andrew & Lydia Newkirk. 2020. Almost at-a-distance. Linguistics and Philosophy. 43: 389–426. Online August 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s10988-019-09275-6
McKenzie, Andrew, Gulnar Eziz, & Travis Major. 2018. Latent homomorphism and content ¨ satisfaction: e double life of Turkic auxiliary -(˙ I)p bol-. Glossa: A journal of general linguistics. 3:1. Article no. 47, pp 1–34. DOI: 10.5334/gjgl.422
McKenzie, Andrew. 2017. On the limited set of evidentiality types. Chapter in The Leader of the Pack: A Festschri in Honor of Margaret Speas. Rodica Ivan (ed). University of Massachusetts Occasional Papers in Linguistics, vol. 40. Amherst, Mass.: GLSA.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2016. Switch-reference. Chapter in Oxford Bibliographies Online, Linguistics. 27 October 2016. DOI: 10.1093/OBO/9780199772810-0138
McKenzie, Andrew. 2015. A Survey of Switch-Reference in North America. International Journal of American Linguistics. 81:3, pp 409–448, plus supplemental material. DOI: 10.1086/681580
McKenzie, Andrew. 2015. Deriving topic effects in Kiowa with semantics and pragmatics. Chapter in Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork. M. Ryan Bochnak & Lisa Matthewson (eds). Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp 269–286.
Refereed Conference Proceedings
McKenzie, Andrew. Under review. Two types of habituals: Kiowa ingredients of a modular imperfective. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung25.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2019. The role of semantics in licensing English synthetic compounds (PDF). In Proceedings of the 36th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 36), Richard Stockwell, Maura O’Leary, Zhongshi Xu, and Z.L. Zhou (eds). Somerville, Mass: Cascadilla Proceedings Project. 281–285.
McKenzie, Andrew & Jeffrey Punske. 2019. Gaming as pedagogy in the linguistics classroom. In Proceedings of the Linguistics Society of America 4. 39:1–8. DOI: 10.3765/plsa.v4i1.4547
McKenzie, Andrew. 2019. Kiowa verb incorporation and types of mediating relations. In Proceedings of the 10th conference on the Semantics of Underrepresented Languages of the Americas (SULA 10), Alex Goebel & Kimberly Johnson (eds). Amherst, Mass.: GLSA.
McKenzie, Andrew & Lydia Newkirk. 2016. Almost as a variable-force’ modal. In Proceedings of the 33rd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 33), Kyeong-Min Kim (ed). Somerville, Mass: Cascadilla Press. 299–308.
McKenzie, Andrew, Gulnar Eziz, & Travis Major. 2015. Reference to content situations in ¨ Uyghur auxiliary bolmaq. In Proceedings of the 41st Annual Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society, (BLS 41) Anna Jurgensen, Hannah Sande, Spencer Lamoureux, Kenny Baclawski, & Alison Zerbe (eds). Berkeley: Berkeley Linguistics Society. pp 353–370.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2011. Subject domain restriction and reference-tracking. In Proceedings of the 20th conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 20). Nan Li & David Lutz (eds). 2LSA publishing. 269–288. DOI: 10.3765/salt.v20i0.2575
McKenzie, Andrew. 2007. Non-canonical switch-reference and situation semantics. In Proceedings of the 4th conference on the Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas (SULA 4). Amy Rose Deal, ed. Amherst, Mass: GLSA.
Published reviews
McKenzie, Andrew. Kiowa Belief and Ritual by Benjamin R. Kracht (review). Great Plains Quarterly, 38:2. pp. 249-249. DOI: 10.1353/gpq.2018.0039.
Edited Books
Becker, Michael, and Andrew McKenzie. 2006. Proceedings of the 2nd conference on the Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas (SULA 2). Amherst, Mass: GLSA
Selected Presentations —
Invited talks
McKenzie, Andrew. 2021. Incorporation beyond the object: Interpretation and compositionality in polysynthesis. Plenary Talk. 39th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 39), University of Arizona. Available online (MP4)
McKenzie, Andrew and Jeffrey Punske. 2020. Language Development during Interstellar Travel. Colloquium, Rhodes University. Grahamstown, South Africa.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2019. Semantic licensing of noun incorporation. Colloquium, University of Arizona.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2019. Semantics: The last piece of the puzzle. Colloquium, Child Language Proseminar. University of Kansas.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2018. Resolving weak compositionality in noun incorporation with mediating relations. Colloquium. Southern Illinois University - Carbondale.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2017. Sources of Intensionality in English Synthetic Compounds and Kiowa Noun Incorporation. Colloquium. University of Massachusetts Amherst.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2017. Emerging Functions in Switch-reference. Invited Presentation. University of Massachusetts Amherst.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2015. When almost isn’t even close: The role of expectation in a counter-factual. Colloquy at University of Kansas.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2014. On the emergence of discourse-functions in switch-reference and topic dislocation. Plenary Talk. 8th Conference on the Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas (SULA 8), University of British Columbia.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2013. The little language that couldn’t: e place of Kiowa inability modals in research on modality. Colloquium, KU Child Language Program.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2013. The little language that couldn’t: Modal investigations in Kiowa. Colloquy; KU Linguistics Department.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2013. Reference-tracking without reference. Colloquium, University of Texas at Arlington.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2009. A new look at switch-reference. Colloquium, University of California at San Diego.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2009. Switch-reference and topical situations. Five College Consortium on Native American Indian Studies. Amherst, MA.
Refereed Talks
McKenzie, Andrew, and Romina Duran. 2021 (upcoming). A Preliminary Documentation of ´ Kiowa Sentential Prosody. 25th Workshop on the Structure and Constituency in Languages of the Americas (WSCLA 25). Sogang University. Seoul, South Korea.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2020. Two types of habituals: Kiowa ingredients of a modular imperfective. Sinn und Bedeutung 25. Queen Mary University of London. London, United Kingdom.
Liu, Cynthia, McKenzie, Andrew, Gary Sutkin MD, & Mark Gray. 2020. Ambiguous Language in the Operating Room. Association for Surgical Education’s annual meeting. Seattle, WA.
Bates, Jonah & McKenzie, Andrew. 2019. A Plural to Singular Reanalysis Cycle. e 21st Diachronic Generative Syntax Conference (DiGS 21). Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
McKenzie, Andrew & Jeffrey Punske. 2019. Language development during interstellar travel. ESTEC Interstellar workshop, European Space Agency. Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2019. The near side and the far side in Kiowa: A matter of perspective. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA). New York City.
McKenzie, Andrew & Jeffrey Punske. 2019. Gaming as pedagogy in the linguistics classroom. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 53). New York City.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2018. Kiowa verb incorporation and types of mediating relations. 10th meeting of the conference on Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas (SULA 10). Toronto, Ontario.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2018. The role of semantics in licensing English synthetic compounds. 36th meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 36), Los Angeles.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2017. Sources of Intensionality in English Synthetic Compounds and Kiowa Noun Incorporation. Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 51). Austin, Texas.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2017. Incorporated Expressives in Kiowa. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA). Austin, Texas.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2015. Control Incorporation and Intensional Compounds. Workshop on Modality across Categories. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
McKenzie, Andrew & Lydia Newkirk. 2015. Modal restrictions from complement type of almost. Workshop on Modality across Categories. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
McKenzie, Andrew & Lydia Newkirk. 2015 Almost as a variable-force modal. 33rd meeting of the West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics (WCCFL 33). Vancouver, British Columbia.
McKenzie, Andrew, Gulnar Eziz, and Travis Major. 2015. Reference to situation content in ¨ Uyghur auxiliary bolmaq. 41st meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society (BLS 41). Berkeley, Calif.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2013. A new survey of switch-reference in North America. Annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas (SSILA), Boston, Mass.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2012. Context Types for Elicitation of Topicality-based Judgments. Workshop on semantic Fieldwork, 46th meeting of the Linguistic Society of America (LSA 46).
McKenzie, Andrew. 2010. Subject domain restriction and reference-tracking, 20th meeting of the conference on Semantics and Linguistic Theory (SALT 20), University of British Columbia/Simon Fraser University. Vancouver, BC.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2009. Kiowa switch-reference and subject positions. 44th Annual meeting of the LSA (LSA 44). San Francisco, CA.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2008. Kiowa switch-reference and variable-based contextual restriction. 44th meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society (CLS 44), U of Chicago.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2007. Situation semantics and switch-reference. 4th meeting of the conference on Semantics of Under-represented Languages of the Americas (SULA 4). Sao Paulo, Brazil.
Other Talks, Conferences and Workshops
McKenzie, Andrew. 2021. Presentation at the Syntax-Semantics Circle. University of California at Berkeley.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2020. Presentation for the Linguistics Undergraduate Club of Kansas (LUCK). University of Kansas.
McKenzie, Andrew, Gary Sutkin, Cynthia Liu, & Fizza Mahmoud. 2018. Deixis in the OR. Semantics 2018: Looking Ahead. Fest in honor of Angelika Kratzer. UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2018. Flipping the Semantics Classroom. Semantics 2018: Looking Ahead. Fest in honor of Angelika Kratzer. UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2016. Repurposing in- and out-of-class time to bolster student comprehension in a gateway semantics course. C21 TRESTLE Grant Poster Workshop. University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2011. Default Aspect in Kiowa. 4th Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Linguistics (OWNAL 4). Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2009. A new approach to switch-reference. 2nd Oklahoma Workshop on Native American Linguistics (OWNAL 2). Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2008. Effects of matrix quantication on sequence of tense. Festschrift for Angelika Kratzer. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA.
McKenzie, Andrew. 2007. A syntactic argument for a semantic EPP. ECO 5 student syntax workshop. UMass Amherst, Amherst, MA.
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
External Awards
Research Grant (#BCS-1664431), Documenting Endangered Languages Program, National Science Foundation/National Endowment for the Humanities. Topic: Investigations in the Semantics of Kiowa, a Native American language of Oklahoma. Role: PI. Amount: 149,541 USD. Support: Research equipment, summer research assistant, research travel, subject payment, conference travel, material printing. NSF Award Abstract, 2017-2020
Teaching Grant. TRESTLE Grant for reworking course in semantics (Ling 331/731). Grant administered by C21 Teaching Group, University of Kansas. Amount: $900 USD. Support: Teaching assistant. 2016
Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant (#BCS-0843901, under Seth Cable). National Science Foundation. Topic: Kiowa switch-reference and the nature of topic[1]hood. Amount: $11,200 USD. Support: Research equipment, summer research assistant, research travel, subject payment, conference travel, material printing. 2006-2009
Graduate Research Fellowship. National Science Foundation. 2009-11
Internal Awards
New Faculty Grant. Topic: Toward a Semantic Grammar of Kiowa. University of Kansas College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. Amount: $8,000 USD. Support: Research equipment, research travel, subject payment, conference travel, material printing. 2014-15
Opportunity Award fellowship, University of Massachusetts Amherst. 2004-05
Service —
Professional Field-level Service
Editorial Board, Semantics & Pragmatics, 2018-present
Executive Committee, Society for the Study of Indigenous Languages of the Americas, 2018-2021
Committee on Endangered Languages and their Preservation, Linguistic Society of America, 2016-present
Grant Review Panel, Documenting Endangered Languages (DEL) Program, National Science Foundation, 2019
Grant Reviewer ad hoc, Linguistics and DEL Programs, National Science Foundation (4 grants), 2016-17
College and University committee memberships and roles
Committee on Undergraduate Studies & Advising, 2020-23
Reviewer, Undergraduate Research Awards, 2020
Restricted Research Committee, 2019-21
Executive Committee, Indigenous Studies Program, 2015-2023
Native Faculty & Staff Council, 2013-present
Committee on Undergraduate Studies & Advising, 2018
College of Liberal Arts & Sciences Committee on Sabbatical Leave, 2017-18
Selection Committee, Hall Center Summer Graduate Research Awards, 2016
Parking Commission, 2015-16
Department memberships and roles(All Department of Linguistics at the University of Kansas, unless noted)
Center for Teaching Excellence Benchmark Assessment Project, 2018-present
Center for Teaching Excellence Curriculum Innovation Project, 2018-present
Graduate Admissions Committee, 2015-present
Undergraduate Club Advisor, Linguistics Undergraduate Club of Kansas, 2017-present
Chair, Search Committee, Indigenous Studies Program, 2019
Colloquy Director, 2014-16
Undergraduate Club Advisor, KU Polyglot Club, 2013-16
Fellowships & Awards Committee, 2013-15
Created and led three-part LATEX seminar, 2014
Faculty Organizer. Frances Ingemann Lecture, 2013
Budget Advisory Committee, 2012-13
Created and led two-part LATEX seminar, University of Texas at Arlington, 2011
Web Page Redesign Team, GLSA, UMass Amherst, 2009-10
Colloquium Organizer, Dept of Linguistics, UMass Amherst, 2007-08
Student representative to faculty meetings, Dept of Linguistics. UMass Amherst , 2005-07
Manager of ‘The Node’, Linguistics Dept. Library, UMass Amherst, 2005-07
Union Steward for Linguistics Dept. Graduate Students, Graduate Employee Organization, UMass Amherst, 2005-06