Carlton Shield Chief Gover

- Affiliate Faculty, Indigenous Studies
- Assistant Professor, Anthropology
- Assistant Curator, Archaeology Division, Biodiversity Institute & Natural History Museum
Contact Info
Education —
Geographical areas of specialization: North America: Great Plains, Central Plains and the Missouri River Valley; Ukraine; Hispaniola
Research —
Research interests:
- Indigenous archaeology
- Decolonial anthropology
- Community-based research
- Ethnogenesis
- Identity
- Migration
- Bayesian statistics
- Radiocarbon analysis
- Chronology analysis
- Plains town formation
- Introduction of horses
- Diaspora of Mesolithic peoples
- Public outreach
- Science communication
- Underwater archaeology
Teaching —
ANTH 318 Peoples of the Great Plains
ANTH 397 Museum Anthropology
ANTH 523 Great Plains Archaeology
ANTH TBD Indigenous Archaeology
Selected Publications —
2024 Van Alst, E. & Shield Chief Gover, C. Indigenizing Archaeology: Applying Theory into practice. Edited Volume for University of Florida Press. In Press.
2024 Shield Chief Gover, C. History within Radiocarbon. In Indigenizing Archaeology: Applying Theory into Practice, Eds. Van Alst, E., Shield Chief Gover, C. University of Florida Press. In Press.
2024 Shield Chief Gover, C. Becoming a Čâhiksičâhiks Archaeologist. In Being Indigenous Archaeologists: Reckoning New Paths Between Past and Present Lives, Eds. Nicholas, G., & Watkins, J. Routledge Press. In Press.
2023 Taylor, W., Librado, P., Running Horse Collin, Y., Shield Chief Gover, C., et al. Early Dispersal of Domestic Horses into the Great Plains and Northern Rockies. In Science.379(6639): 1316-1323.
Selected Presentations —
2023 Shulist, S., Shield Chief Gover, C., Krupa, K., Karyl Franz, M., & Buschmann, R., Moderated by Yang, B., The Anthropology of Colonial Hoarding: History, Repatriation, and the Future of Colonial Institutions. American Anthropological Association / Canadian Anthropology Society joint Annual Meeting, Toronto, Ontario.
2023 Shield Chief Gover, C. Horse’n Around the Archaeological Record: Saddling Archaeological Science with Indigenous Knowledge. Hosted by The University of Kentucky Department of Anthropology and 2nd Story Museum. Lexington, KY.
2023 Shield Chief Gover, C. Changing Perspectives in Central Plains Archaeology: Bison, Maize, and Horses. Hosted by the Oklahoma University Department of Anthropology and the Native American and Indigenous Studies Department. Norman, OK.
Creative Works —
"The A Life in Ruins Podcast," hosted by the Archaeology Podcast Network
"The Site Bite’s Podcast," hosted by the Archaeology Podcast Network
Memberships —
Society for American Archaeology
American Anthropological Association
Plains Anthropological Society
Society for Historic Archaeology