Kelly Kindscher

- Affiliate Faculty, Indigenous Studies
- Professor, Environmental Studies
- Senior Scientist, Kansas Biological Survey
Contact Info
2101 Constant Ave.
Lawrence, KS 66045
Personal Links
Biography —
Prof. Kindscher is best known as a passionate advocate for native plants, native landscapes and wild places. His research is focused on native prairies, prairie plants and plant communities. He is a conservationist, teacher, mentor and environmental problem-solver.
Today, his primary responsibilities are as a plant ecologist for the Kansas Biological Survey, where he conducts research on plant communities throughout Kansas, the Midwest, and the Great Plains and Rocky Mountain states; and in the Environmental Studies Program, where he mentors students and has taught a variety of classes, including ethnobotany and the program’s capstone course, formerly known as Environmental Impact Assessment.
Prof. Kindscher is well-known for his study of prairie plants. He is the author of two books, Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie (1987) and Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie (1992), both published by the University Press of Kansas. Currently he is focusing much of his attention on collecting medicinal plants and searching for ethnobotanical and field data that help support the use of native plants for the KU Native Medicine Plant Research Program. He is one of the founders of the Kansas Land Trust and a current board member. He also is a board member of the Prairie Plains Resource Institute, based in Aurora, Nebraska.
Education —
with honors and distinction
Research —
- ethnobotany
- restoration ecology
- prairie
- wetlands
- medicinal plants
- conservation biology
Selected Publications —
Kindscher, K., Yellow Bird, L., Yellow Bird, M. & Sutton, L. (in press). Sahnish (Arikara) Ethnobotany. In Contributions in Ethnobiology, 205 pages. Society for Ethnobiology. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2016). In K. Kindscher, Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Switzerland: Springer. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Worster, D., Schultz, E., Kindscher, K., Robinson, E. & Gerstner, K. (2008). The Nature of Kansas Lands. University Press of Kansas. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1992). Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie–an Ethnobotanical Guide. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1987). Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie–an Ethnobotanical Guide. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Book Chapters
Ticktin, T., Kindscher, K., Souther, S., Weisberg, P., Chamberlain, J., Hummel, S., Mitchell, C. & Sanders, S. (2018). Ecological and Human Dimensions of Nontimber Forest Product Harvest. In General Technical Report of the US Forest Service, Southern Research Station (pp. 60-81). US Forest Service. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2016). A Species-by-Species Overview of Echinacea. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 55-80). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Riggs, M. (2016). Cultivation of Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 21-33). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Klein, R. & Kindscher, K. (2016). Legal Protection of Echinacea and other Medicinal Plant Species. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 191-205). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Price, D.M. & Kindscher, K. (2016). One Hundred Twenty Years of Echinacea angustifolia Market Harvest in the Smoky Hills of Kansas. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 83-107). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2016). Recommendations Regarding the Conservation of Echinacea Species. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 207-216). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Drisko, J. & Kindscher, K. (2016). Research on Echinacea Use in Western Medicine. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 147-163). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Riggs, M. & Kindscher, K. (2016). The Echinacea Market. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 165-175). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2016). The Biology and Ecology of Echinacea Species. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 47-54). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Craft, R. & Kindscher, K. (2016). The Media and Echinacea Sales and Use. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 177-187). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Cao, C. & Kindscher, K. (2016). The Medicinal Chemistry of Echinacea Species. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 127-145). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Wittenberg, R. (2016). The Naming and Classification of Echinacea Species. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 37-45). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2016). The Uses of Echinacea angustifolia and Other Echinacea Species by Native Americans. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 9-20). Switzerland: Springer. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2016). Threats to Wild Echinacea Populations. In Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History (pp. 109-123). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ferreira, M.P., Gendron, F. & Kindscher, K. (2012). Bioactive Prairie Plants & Aging Adults: Role in Health and Disease. In Bioactive Foods as Dietary Interventions for the Aging Population. Oxford, England: Elsevier Science Publishers. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Gehring, R. & Kindscher, K. (2010). The Medicinal Use of Native North American Plants in Domestic Animals. In R.D. Katerere & D. Luseba, Ethnoveterinary Botanical Medicine: Herbal Medicines for Animal Health (pp. 213-230). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2006). Forward. In A Taste of Heritage Crow Indian Recipes and Herbal Medicines, by Alma Snell. University of Nebraska Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Debinski, D.M., Jakubauskas, M.E., Kindscher, K., Saveraid, E.H. & Borgognone, M. (2002). Predicting Meadow Communities and Species Occurrences in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In J.M. Scott, P.J.M. Morrison, M. Raphael, J. Haufler & B. Wall, Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy (pp. 499-506). Covelo, CA: Island Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Anderson, H.W., Silberstein, W., Cobb, M. & Kindscher, K. (2000). Conservation Easements in the 10th Federal Circuit. In J.A. Gustanski & R.H. Squires, Protecting the Land: Conservation Easements, Past, Present and Future. Covelo, CA: Island Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1989). Lamb’s Quarters Lasagna. In F. Carey & J. Naas, The Kansas Cookbook - Recipes from the Heartland (pp. 225-226). Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Journal Articles
Kindscher, K., Martin, L.M. & Long, Q. (2019). The Sustainable Harvest of Wild Populations of Oshá (Ligusticum porteri) in Southern Colorado for the Herbal Products Trade. Economic Botany, 73(3), 341-356. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., & Arvidson, A. (2019). Noxious and Invasive Weeds as Medicine: An Alternative for the pesticide treadmill and a way to reduce use of At-Risk Medicinal Plants. Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, 2019 (Spring), 14-16. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Comer, P.J., Hack, J.C., Kindscher, K., Muldavin, E. & Singhurst, J. (2018). Continent-Scale Landscape Conservation Design for Temperate Grasslands of the Great Plains and Chihuahuan Desert. Natural Areas Journal, 38(2), 196-211. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Martin, L., Corbett, S. & Lafond, D. (2018). Nutritional Properties of Native Plants and Traditional Foods from the Central United States. Ethnobiology Letters, 9(2), 214-227. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Martin, L.M., Long, Q., Craft, R., Loring, H., Sharaf, M.H.M. & Yang, J. (2017). Harvesting and Recolonization of Wild Populations of Osha, Ligusticum porteri, in Southern Colorado. Natural Areas Journal, 37(2), 178-187. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Shipley, G. & Kindscher, K. (2016). Evidence for the Paleoethnobotany of the Neanderthal: A Review of the Literature. Scientifica, vol. 2016. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Araya, J.J., Kindscher, K. & Timmermann, B. (2016). Sullivantosides A-F: Pregnane glycosides from Asclepias sullivantii L. Phytochemistry Letters, 16, 185-191. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Gori, D., Cooper, M.S., Soles, E.S., Stone, M., Morrison, R., Turner, T.F., Propst, D.L., Garfin, G., Switanek, M., Chang, H.-I., Bassett, S., Haney, J., Lyons, D., Horner, M., Dahm, C.N., Frey, J.K., Kindscher, K., Walker, H.A. & Bogan, M.T. (2016). Gila River Flow Needs Assessment. The New Mexico Botanist, (5), 24-32. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Craft, R., McClure, K.C., Corbett, S., Ferreira, M.P., Stiffarm, A.M. & Kindscher, K. (2015). Ethnic differences in medicinal plant use among University students: a cross-sectional survey of self-reported medicinal plant use at two Midwest Universities. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 15(1), 1-10. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Gallagher, R.J., Subramanian, C., Grogan, P.T., Kindscher, K., Cao, C., Zhang, H., Cohen, M.S. & Timmermann, B.N. (2015). The therapeutic potential of Physalis longifolia against various carcinomas. PharmaNutrition, 3(4), 146 - 152. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Cao, C., Wu, X., Kindscher, K., Xu, L., & Timmermann, B.N. (2015). Withanolides and Sucrose Esters from Physalis neomexicana. Journal of natural products, 78(10), 2488-93. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Cao, C., Kindscher, K., Gallagher, R.J., Zhang, H., & Timmermann, B.N. (2015). Analysis of Major Withanolides in Physalis longifolia Nutt. by HPLC-PDA. Journal of Chromatographic Science, 53(7), 1044-7. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Zhang, H., Cao, C., Gallagher, R.J., Day, V.W., Kindscher, K., & Timmermann, B.N. (2015). Withanolides from Physalis coztomatl. Phytochemistry, 109, 147-53. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Long, Q., Foster, B.L., & Kindscher, K. (2014). Seed and microsite limitations mediate stochastic recruitment in a low-diversity prairie restoration. Plant Ecology, 215(11), 1287-1298. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Cao, C., Gallagher, R., Zhang, H., Long, Q., Service, L., Martin, L., & Timmermann, B.N. (2014). Comparison of Bioactive Secondary Metabolites in Experimental and Natural Populations of Wild Tomatillos, Physalis longifolia Nutt. Ethnobotany Research & Applications, 12, 175-182. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Castle, L.M., Leopold, S., Craft, R. & Kindscher, K. (2014). Ranking Tool Created for Medicinal Plants at Risk of Being Overharvested in the Wild. Ethnobiology Letters, 5, 77-88. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Cao, C., Zhang, H., Gallagher, R.J., Day, V.W., Kindscher, K., Grogan, P., Cohen, M.S. & Timmermann, B.N. (2014). Withanolides from Physalis hispida. Journal of natural products, 77(3), 631-9. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Corbett, S.M. & Mcclure, K. (2013). A Statistical Analysis of Medicinal Plants: A Case Study of Plant Families in Kansas and the Great Plains. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 116, 149-155. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2013). Lewis and Clark's Influence on Echinacea. Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, 14.
Zhang, H., Bazzill, J., Gallagher, R., Subramanian, C., Grogan, P.T., Day, V.W., Kindscher, K., Cohen, M.S. & Timmermann, B.N. (2012). Antiproliferative Withanolides from Datura wrightii. Journal of Natural Products. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Miesner, S., Frosch, H., Kindscher, K., Tichy, S. & Manfredi, K. (2012). Benzyl Benxoate Glycosides from Oligoneron rigidum. Journal of Natural Products, 75, 1903-1908. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Araya, J., Kindscher, K. & Timmermann, B. (2012). Cytotoxic cardiac glycosides and other compounds from Asclepias syriaca. Journal of Natural Products, 75, 400-407. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Zhang, X., Samadi, A. K., Roby, KF., Timmermann, B., Cohen, M.S. & Kindscher, K. (2012). Inhibition of Cell Growth and Induction of Apoptosis in Ovarian Carcinoma Cell Lines CaOV3 and SKOV3 by Natural Withanolide Withaferin A. Gynecologic Oncology, 124, 606-612. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Zhang, H., Motiwala, H., Samadi, A.K., Day, V., Aube, J., Cohen, M.S., Kindscher, K., Gollapudi, R. & Timmermann, B.N. (2012). Minor Withanolides of Physalis longifolia: Structure and Cytotoxicity. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 60, 1234-39. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ferreira, M.P., Gendron, F., McClure, K. & Kindscher, K. (2012). North American Bioactive Plants for Human Health and Performance. Global Journal of Research in Medicinal Plants Indigenous Medicine, 1, 568 - 582. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Samadi, A.K., Bazzill, J., Zhang, X., Gallagher, R., Zhang, H., Gollapudi, R., Kindscher, K., Timmermann, B. & Cohen, M. S. (2012). Novel Withanolides Target Medullary Thyroid Cancer through Inhibition of both RET Phosphorylation and the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Pathway. Surgery, 152, 1238-47. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Long, Q., Corbett, S., Bosnak, K., Loring, H., Cohen, M. & Timmermann, B.N. (2012). The Ethnobotany and Ethnopharmacology of Wild Tomatillos, Physalis longifolia Nutt., and Related Physalis Species: A Review. Economic Botany, 66, 298-310. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Craft, R., Bosnak, K. & Timmermann, B.N. (2012). The Lucius Sayre Legacy: Reviving the Study of Medicinal Plants of the Plains. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 115, 19-26. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Bosnak, K., Kindscher, K., Craft, R. & Timmermann, B. N. (2012). The University of Kansas School of Pharmacy Medicinal Plant Garden: Case Study of a New Teaching Garden with a History. HerbalGram: The Journal of the American Botanical Council, 95, 38-45.
Araya, J., Binns, F., Kindscher, K. & Timmermann, B. (2012). Verticillosides A-M: Polyoxygenated pregnane glycosides from Asclepias verticillata L. Phytochemistry, 78, 179-89. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Zhang, H., Samadi, A. K., Gallagher, R. J., Araya, J. J., Tong, X., Day, V. W., Cohen, M. S., Kindscher, K., Gollapudi, R. & Timmermann, B. N. (2011). Cytotoxic withanolide constituents of Physalis longifolia. Journal of Natural Products, 74, 2532-2544. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Questad, E., Foster, B., Jog, S., Kindscher, K. & Loring, H. (2011). Evaluating patterns of biodiversity in managed grasslands with spatial turnover metrics. Biological Conservation, 144, 1050-58. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Foster, B., Khavin, I. S., Murphy, C., Smith, V., Ramspott, M. E., Price, K. & Kindscher, K. (2010). Integrated responses of grassland biodiversity and ecosystem properties to hay management: A field experiment. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 113, 103-119. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Debinski, D., Wickham, H., Kindscher, K., Caruthers, J. & Germino, M. (2010). Montane Meadow Change During Drought Varies with Background Hydrologic Regime and Plant Functional Group. Ecology, 91, 1672-81. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Foster, B., Kindscher, K., Houseman, G. & Murphy, C. (2009). Effects of Hay Management and Native Species Sowing on Plant Community Structure, Biomass, and Restoration. Ecological Applications, 19, 1884-1896. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Price, D. M. & Castle, L. (2008). Re-sprouting of Echinacea angustifolia Augments Sustainability of Wild Medicinal Plant Populations. Economic Botany, 62, 1-9. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Long, Q. & Kindscher, K. (2007). A Comparison of the Influence of Disturbance Regimes on Native Forbs (Kansas). Ecological Restoration, 25, 129-30. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Foster, B. & Kindscher, K. (2007). Controls on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in Managed Grasslands. National Resource Initiative Research Highlights, (2). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Weber, M., Knov, C., Kindscher, K., Brown, R., Niemann, S. & Chapman, J. (2007). Identification of Medicinally Active Compounds in Prairie Plants by HPLC Coupled to Electron Impact-Mass Spectrometry. American Laboratory, 39, 9-11. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Price, D. H. & Kindscher, K. (2007). One Hundred Years of Echinacea angustifolia Harvest in the Smoky Hills of Kansas, USA. Economic Botany, 61, 86-95. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Foster, B. L., Murphy, C. A., Keller, K., Aschenbach, T., Questad, E. J. & Kindscher, K. (2007). Restoration of prairie community structure and ecosystem function in an abandoned hayfield: a sowing experiment. Restoration Ecology, 62, 1-9. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Stotts, C., Palmer, M. & Kindscher, K. (2007). The Need for Savanna Restoration in the Cross Timbers. Oklahoma Native Plant Record, 7, 78-90. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Jog, S., Questad, E., Kindscher, K., Foster, B. & Loring, H. (2006). Floristic Quality as an Indicator of Native Species Diversity within Managed Grasslands. Natural Areas Journal, 26, 149-167. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Aschenbach, T. & Kindscher, K. (2006). Plant Species on Salt-affected Soil at Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 109, 207-213. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Ashworth, S., Foster, B. & Kindscher, K. (2006). Relative Contributions of Adjacent Species Set and Environmental Conditions to Plant Community Richness and Composition in a Group of Created Wetlands. Wetlands, 26, 149-167. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Powell, A., Busby, W. & Kindscher, K. (2006). Status of the Regal Fritillary (Speyeria idalia) and effects of fire management on its abundance in northeastern Kansas, USA. Journal of Insect Conservation, 11(3), 299. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Fraser, A. & Kindscher, K. (2005). Spatial Distribution of Spartina pectinata Transplants to Restore Wet Prairie. Restoration Ecology, 13, 144-151. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Su, J. C., Debinski, D. M., Jakubauskas, M. E. & Kindscher, K. (2004). Beyond Species Richness: Community Similarity as a Measure of Cross-Taxon Congruence for Coarse-Filter Conservation. Conservation Biology, 18, 167-173. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Aschenbach, T. & Ashworth, S. (2004). Wetland Vegetation Response to the Restoration of Sheet Flow at Cheyenne Bottoms, Kansas. Restoration Ecology, 12(3), 368-375. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2004). UpS Research on 'At-Risk' Echinacea. United Plant Savers: Journal of Medicinal Plant Conservation, 13. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Barnes, C. C., Smalley, M. K., Manfredi, K. P., Kindscher, K., Loring, H. & Sheeley, D. M. (2003). Characterization of an Anti-tuberculosis Resin Glycoside from the Prairie Medicinal Plant Ipomoea leptophylla. Journal of Natural Products, 66, 1457-1462. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Saveraid, E. H., Debinski, D. M., Kindscher, K. & Jakubauskas, M. E. (2001). A Comparison of Satellite Data and Landscape Variables in Predicting Bird Species Occurrences in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Landscape Ecology, 16(1), 71-83. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Vallurupalli, V., Demidova, M., Kindscher, K., Pannell, L. K. & Manfredi, K. P. (2001). A New Prenylated Bibenzyl from Glycyrrhiza lepidota. Phytochemistry, 58, 153-157. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Jakubauskas, M. E., Kindscher, K. & Debinski, D. M. (2001). Spectral and Biophysical Relationships of Montane Sagebrush Communities in Multitemporal SPOT XS Data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22, 1767-78. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Fraser, A. & Kindscher, K. (2001). Tree Spade Transplanting of Spartina pectinata (Link) and Eleocharis macrostachya (Britt.) in a Prairie Wetland Restoration. Aquatic Botany, 71(4), 297-304. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Jakubauskas, M. E., Kindscher, K., Fraser, A. & Debinski, D. M. (2000). Close-Range Remote Sensing of Aquatic Macrophyte Vegetation Cover. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 3533-3538. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kettle, W. D., Rich, P. M., Kindscher, K., Pittman, G. L. & Fu, P. (2000). Land-Use History in Ecosystem Restoration: A 40-Year Study in Prairie-Forest Ecotone. Restoration Ecology, 8, 307-317. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Debinski, D. M., Jakubauskas, M. E. & Kindscher, K. (2000). Montane Meadows as Indicators of Environmental Change. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 64, 213-225. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Fraser, A. (2000). Planting Forbs First Provides Greater Species Diversity in Tallgrass Prairie Restorations. Ecological Restoration, 18, 115-116. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Lauver, C. L., Kindscher, K., Faber-Langendoen, D. & Schneider, R. (1999). A Classification of the Natural Vegetation of Kansas. Southwest Naturalist, 44, 421-444. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Debinski, D. K., Kindscher, K. & Jakubauskas, M. E. (1999). A Remote Sensing and GIS-Based Model of Habitats and Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 17, 3281-3291. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Davison, C. & Kindscher, K. (1999). Tools for Diversity: Fire, Grazing, and Mowing on Tallgrass Prairies. Ecological Restoration, 17, 136-143. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Fraser, A. & Kindscher, K. (1999). Tree Spade Used to Establish Wetland Grasses, Rushes, and Sedges. Ecological Restoration, 17, 162-163. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Tieszen, L. (1998). Floristic and Soil Organic Matter Changes after Five and Thirty-Five Years of Native Tallgrass Prairie Restoration. Restoration Ecology, 6, 181-196. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Hurlburt, D. (1998). Huron Smith's Ethnobotany of the Hocak (Winnebago). Economic Botany, 52, 352-372. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Fraser, A., Jakubauskas, M. E. & Debinski, D. (1998). Identifying Wetland Meadows in Grand Teton National Park Using Remote Sensing and Average Wetland Values. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 5, 265-273. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Jakubauskas, M. E., Kindscher, K. & Debinski, D. (1998). Multitemporal Characterization and Mapping of Montane Sagebrush Communities Using Indian IRS LISS-II Imagery. Geocarto International, 13(4), 65-74. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Manfredi, K. P., Britton, M., Demidova, M. & Hurlburt, D. (1998). Testing Prairie Plants with Ethnobotanical Importance for Anti-Cancer and Anti-AIDS Compounds. Journal of Ethnobiology, 18, 229-245. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1998). KU Expertise to Assess Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Kansas Biological Survey's Biota, 2. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Scott, N. (1997). Land Ownership and Tenure of the Largest Land Parcels in the Flint Hills of Kansas. Natural Areas Journal, 17, 131-35. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Debinski, D., Jakubauskas, M. E. & Kindscher, K. (1997). Assessing Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Geo Info Systems, pp. 42-45. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. & Wells, P. V. (1995). Prairie Plant Guilds: An Ordination of Prairie Plant Species Based on Ecological and Morphological Traits. Vegetatio, 117, 29-50. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1989). The Ethnobotany of the Purple Coneflower (Echinacea angustifolia) and other Echinacea species. Economic Botany, 43(4), 498-507. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1985). Garden Coalitions in Small Cities. Journal of Community Gardening. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1985). Home, Home on the Bioregion. Journal of Community Gardening. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Book Reviews
Kindscher, K. (2017, Autumn). Review of the book Field Life: Science in the American West during the Railroad Era by Jeremy Vetter. Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains, 40(3), 224.
Myhal, N. & Kindscher, K. (2016). Review of the book Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have to Do Is Ask: Anishinaabe Botanical Teachings by Mary Siisip Geniusz (edited by Wendy Makoons Geniusz, illustrated by Annmarie Geniusz). The Prairie Naturalist, 48(110).
Kindscher, K. (2009). Review of the book High Plains Horticulture: A History by John Freeman. Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains, 32.
Kindscher, K. (2009). Review of the book Plains Apache Ethnobotany by Julia Jordan. Journal of Ethnobiology, 29, 365-67.
Aschenbach, T. A., & Kindscher, K. (1999). Review of The Tallgrass Restoration Handbook for Prairies. Restoration Ecology, 7, 212-214.
Kindscher, K. (1991). Review of Colorado Flora: Eastern Slope by William Weber's book by University Press of Colorado. Great Plains Quarterly, 11(4), 280.
Kindscher, K. (1984, Spring). Democratic Promise. In Review of Democratic Promise, by Lawrence Goodwyn, CoEvolution Quarterly.
Conference Proceedings
Young, B., Peltier, E. & Kindscher, K. (2010). Relating Vegetation Composition in a Bio-retention Cell to Small-scale Hydrologic and Topographic Variability. In Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2010 Proceedings (pp. 1451-1457).
Felger, R. & Kindscher, K. (2010). Trees of the Gila Forest Region, New Mexico. In Natural History of the Gila Symposium, New Mexico Botanist, special issue 2: 38-66. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Long, Q. & Loring, H. (2010). Wetlands along the Gila River in Southwestern New Mexico. In Natural History of the Gila Symposium, New Mexico Botanist, special issue 2: 116-121. New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Norris, W., Felger, R. & Kindscher, K. (2010). Introduction to the Proceedings. In W. Norris, R. Felger & K. Kindscher, Proceedings of the Second Natural History of the Gila Symposium, October 16-18, 2008, Silver City, New Mexico (Special Issue 2 ed., pp. 1-2). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Peltier, E., Chen, X., Kindscher, K. & Young, C. B. (2009). Long-term Effectiveness of a Bioretention System Treating Road Runoff in Northeastern Kansas. In Proceedings of the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress 2009 (pp. 1335-1343).
Kindscher, K. & Norris, W. R. (2008). Introduction. In K. Kindscher & W. R. Norris, Proceedings of the First Natural History of the Gila Symposium, New Mexico Botanist (special issue 1:5 ed.). Las Cruces, NM. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2008). Vegetation and Habitat along the Gila River in Southwestern New Mexico. In Natural History of the Gila Symposium, New Mexico Botanist, special issue 1: 49-53, Las Cruces, New Mexico. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Aschenbach, T. & Kindscher, K. (2003). Comparison of Planting Treatments in a Tallgrass Prairie Restoration. In Proceedings of the 18th North American Prairie Conference: Promoting Prairie, Truman State University, Kirksville, MO, June 2002 (pp. 44-48). (Reviewed/Refereed)
Row, J. M., Wynia, R. L., Conway, T. C. & Kindscher, K. (1999). Propagation of Mead's Milkweed. In J. T. Springer, Proceedings of the 16th North American Prairie Conference (pp. 235-242). University of Nebraska at Kearney. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Borgognone, M. G., Debinski, D. M., Jakabauskas, M. & Kindscher, K. (1999). Use of CART and Canonical Discriminant Analysis to Select Variables and Classify Cases in a Situation with Few Observations and Many Variables. In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference of Latin-American Statistical Societies. Mendoza, Argentina, July 26-30 (pp. 1-10).
Kindscher, K. (1999). The Uses of Echinacea angustifolia and other Echinacea species by Native Americans in the Great Plains. In American Herbal Products Association International Echinacea Symposium. Kansas City, MO, June.
Jakubauskas, M. E., Debinski, D. & Kindscher, K. (1996). Integration of Multispectral and Ecological Data for Characterizing Montane Meadow Communities in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. In Proceedings of the International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS) 1996. IGARSS, Lincoln, NE.
Kindscher, K. (1994). Rockefeller Prairie: A Case Study of Plant Guild Classification of a Tallgrass Prairie. In R. G. Wicket, P. D. Lewis, A. Woodliffe & P. Pratt, Proceedings of the 13th North American Prairie Conference: Spirit of the Land, Our Prairie Legacy (pp. 123-140). Windsor, Ontario: Department of Parks and Recreation. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1986). The Ethnobotanical Use of Native Prairie Plants for Food. In A. Davis & G. Stanford, Section 2.04 of Proceedings of the Tenth North American Prairie Conference. Denton: Native Prairie Association of Texas, Texas Woman's University. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Encyclopedia/Dictionary Entries
Kindscher, K. (2004). Plant Lore. In D. J. Wishart, Encyclopedia of the Great Plains (pp. 309). Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Exhibition Catalogues
Kindscher, K. (2018). In Search of Wild Plants. In Big Botany: Conversations with the Plant World, Spencer Museum of Art, The University of Kansas (pp. 262-263).
Nabhan, G., & Kindscher, K. (2006). Renewing the Native Food Traditions of Bison Nation. Flagstaff, AZ: Renewing America's Food Traditions Consortium.
Periodicals (newsletter, magazine, etc.)
Kindscher, K. (1998, Summer/Fall). Seaside Petunia. The Kansas Chapter of the Nature Conservancy's Working for the Land Newsletter, 2.
Fraser, A. & Kindscher, K. (1997, May). Plant Species Provide Key to Range Management Success. Rural Papers of the Kansas Rural Center, 6-7.
Kindscher, K. (1996). Walking Across the Tallgrass Prairie. The Land Report, 55/56, 20.
Kindscher, K. (1995). Kansas Landscape Patterns and Biodiversity. The Land Report, 53, 16-18.
Kindscher, K. (1986, September/October). Prairie Botanicals. Business of Herbs.
Kindscher, K. (1984, March/April). The Prairie Bioregion. RAIN Magazine.
Kindscher, K. (1983, Winter). Bibliography for the North American Prairies. CoEvolution Quarterly.
Upton, R. & K. Kindscher. Eds. (2018). Oshá Root (Ligusticum porteri J.M. Coulter & Rose and related species. Soquel, California: American Herbal Pharmacopoeia. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Martin, L. M. & Isenburg, A. S. (2017, January). Floristic Quality Analysis and Plot Diversity for Cherokee and Labette County Trust Lands. Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Natural Resource Trustee Council Report
Kindscher, K., Martin, L. M., Staab, E. M. & Delisle, J. M. (2016). A Natural Areas Inventory of Douglas County in Northeast Kansas. Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report No. 184 Lawrence, KS: Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory, Kansas Biological Survey. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2014, July). Riparian Vegetation of the Upper Gila River and Southwestern Streams. Gila River Flow Needs Assessment (pp. 190-208). The Nature Conservancy. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Yang, J., Long, Q., Craft, R. & Loring, H. (2013). Harvest Sustainability Study of Wild Populations of Osha, Ligusticum porteri. Kansas Biological Survey Report No. 176 Lawrence, KS: Kansas Biological Survey. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Kilroy, H., Delisle, J., Long, Q., Loring, H., Dobbs, K. & Drake, J. (2011). Vegetation mapping and classification of Homestead National Monument of America. (Vol. NPS/HTLN/NRR-2011/345). Fort Collins, CO: National Park Service. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Natural Resource Report NPS/HTLN/NRR?Çö2011/345
Kindscher, K., Kilroy, H., Delisle, J., Long, Q., Loring, H., Dobbs, K. & Drake, J. (2011). Vegetation mapping and classification of Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve: Project report. (Vol. NRR/HTLN/NRR-2011/346). Fort Collins, CO: National Park Service. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Busby, W., Craft, R., Delisle, J., Freeman, C., Kilroy, H., Long, Q., Loring, H., Moranz, R. & Norman, F. (2009). A Natural Areas Inventory of Anderson and Linn Counties in Kansas. Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report No. 158 Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Norman, F. & Byczynski, L. (2009). Floristic Quality of Vegetation at Lead and Zinc Mined Lands in Cherokee County, Kansas. Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report No. 149 Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2009). Gardening With Southeast Asian Refugees. Columbia, MO: Community Garden Coalition, Inc. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Jennings, R., Norris, W. & Shook, R. (2008). Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians, Vascular Plants and Habitat in the Gila River Riparian Zone in Southwestern New Mexico. Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report No. 151 Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K., Long, Q. & Byczynski, L. (2008). Mead’s Milkweed Reintroduction Plan for Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge. Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report No. 152 Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Busby, W. H., Delisle, J. M., Freeman, C. C., Kindscher, K., Loring, H., Nimz, D. E. & Schmidt, C. J. (2007). A Natural Features Inventory of the Smoky Hill ANG Range, Kansas. Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report No. 137 Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2006). Conservation Status of Echinacea Species. Report to the U.S. Forest Service. (Reviewed/Refereed)
White, S. & Kindscher, K. (2006). Natural Resource and Open Space Assessment and Planning Recommendations for Miami County, Kansas. Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report No. 126 Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2006). Natural Resource Inventory and Restoration Plan for the Black Jack Battlefield Site. Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 129
Kindscher, K., Busby, W., Delisle, J., Dropkin, J. & Freeman, C. (2005). A Natural Areas Inventory of Douglas, Johnson, Leavenworth, Miami and Wyandotte Counties in Northeast Kansas. Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report, No. 124
Loring, H., Kindscher, K. & Delisle, J. (2005). A Survey of Natural Area Sites in Cherokee County, Kansas. Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-File Report, No. 125
Freeman, C.C., Busby, W.H., Delisle, J., Kettle, W.D., Kindscher, K., Loring, H., Morse, C.A, & Salisbury, V. B. (2003). A Natural Areas Inventory of the Ft. Leavenworth Military Reservation, Leavenworth County, Kansas. II. Lawrence, KS. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 117
Kindscher, K., & Noguera, E. (2002). Cultural Use of Plants from the Baker Wetlands. Prepared for the Technical Outreach Services for Native American Communities (TOSNAC) at Haskell Indian Nations University, Lawrence, Kansas.
Kettle, D., Kindscher, K. & Delisle, J. (2002). Preliminary Analysis of Historic Vegetation along the Marais des Cygnes River (Kansas). (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No.106
Menard, S., Kindscher, K. & Peterson, D. (2002). Using Ecological Systems as Land Cover Map Units for the GAP Analysis Program in Kansas: Summary Report to USGS-BRD Gap Analysis Program. Lawrence, KS: NatureServe, Minneapolis, MN, and Kansas Biological Survey.
Loring, H., Kindscher, K. & Bullerman, M. (2000). An Inventory of the Central Mixed-Grass Prairie Ecoregion in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Nebraska. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 97
Loring, H., Kindscher, K. Aschenbach, T. & Fraser, A. (1998). A Survey of Large Ranches and Prairie Remnants in the Flint Hills and Central Tall Grass Prairie Ecoregion of Kansas. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 88
Kindscher, K. & Holah, J. (1998). An Old-Growth Definition of Western Hardwood Gallery Forest. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Southern Research Station, General Technical Report SRS-22
Kindscher, K., Kahn, L. & Fraser, A. (1998). Identification of Wetland Restoration Sites on the Potawatomi Indian Reservation. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 81
Kindscher, K., Mehaffey, M., Fraser, A. & Pogge, E. (1997). Kansas Department of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Sites' Analysis and Opportunity for Improving Success. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 82
Freeman, C.C., Busby, W.H., Lauver, C.L., Kindscher, K., Elliott, J. & Eifler, D.A. (1996). A Natural Areas Inventory of the Ft. Leavenworth Military Reservation, Leavenworth County, Kansas. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Natural Heritage Inventory, Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 77
Lauver, C.L., Busby, W.H. & Kindscher, K. (1996). Identification and Delineation of Loggerhead Shrike Habitat on the Fort Riley Military Reservation. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 69
Kindscher, K., Wilson, S., Fraser, A. & Lauver, C. (1996). Vegetation Analysis of Western Kansas Playa Lakes–1993-1995. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 70
Kindscher, K. & Mitscher, L. (1993). Ingredient Safety Review for the Purple Coneflower, Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia.
-Series: Submitted to the Herb Research Foundation, Boulder, CO for use in a Food and Drug Administration review
Kindscher, K. (1992). Restoring and Creating Wetlands: A Planning Guide for the Central States Region: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri and Nebraska.
-Series: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 7; Bob Barber, project officer
Freeman, C.C. & Kindscher, K. (1992). Supporting Documentation for Tasks 4 and 5: Environmental Segments 2, 3, and 5–SE Kansas Corridor Endangered and Threatened Species. (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Biological Survey Open-file Report, No. 51
Kindscher, K. (1991). Ecological Potentials of the Clinton Reservoir Area.
-Series: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Wetlands Protection Section. A 19-page report on potential wetland restoration and other ecologically significant sites surrounding Clinton Reservoir in northeast Kansas
Freeman, C.C., Kettle, W.D., Kindscher, K., Brooks, R.E., Varner, V.C & Pitcher, C.M. (1991). Vascular Plants of the Kansas Ecological Reserves. In W.D. Kettle & D.O. Whittemore, Ecological and Hydrogeology of the Kansas Ecological Reserves and the Baker Wetlands (Reviewed/Refereed)
-Series: Kansas Geological Survey Open-file Report, No. 91-35
Kindscher, K. (1989, September). Inventory of Potential Wetland Restoration Sites in the Lawrence, Kansas–Wakarusa Valley Area.
-Series: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. National Network for Environmental Management Studies Report
Kindscher, K. (2017). Review of the book Field Life: Science in the American West during the Railroad Era, Jeremy Vetter. Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains, 40(3), 224. (Reviewed/Refereed)
. (2017). Hidatsa Ethnobotany: An Edited and Expanded Version of Gilbert L. Wilson’s 1916 Field Records. North Dakota State University Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Other Publications
Kindscher, K. & Byczynski, L. (2009). Native Prairie Hay Meadows: A Landowner's Management Guide. In Kansas Biological Survey Reports. Kansas Biological Survey. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (2009). Edible Wild Plants of the Prairie. Symphony in the Flint Hills Program. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Dodds, W.K., Hartnett, D.C., Joern, A., Kindscher, K., Stubbendick, J., Zimmerman, J.S. & Hiebert, R.D. (1998). Opportunities to Enhance and Maintain the Tallgrass Prairie Ecosystem within the Boundaries of the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve. National Park Service, Midwest Region, Omaha, NE. 38 pages. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Kindscher, K. (1982). The Kansas Food System: Analysis and Action Toward Sustainability. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press. (Reviewed/Refereed)
Selected Presentations —
Keynote/Plenary Address
Kindscher, K. (2019, January 5). The Ethnobotanical Use of Native Prairie Plants. North American Prairie Conference, Houston, TX. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 7). The Native Medicinal Plant Research Program. Advanced Master Gardener Training, Forum Hall, Kansas State University Union, Manhattan, KS. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2009, January 17). A new Vision for Restoration: Developing a Culture of Harvest and Use of the Planted Wild. Keynote address: Prairie Plains Resource Institute annual meeting, Aurora, NE.
Kindscher, K. (2018, November 3). Journey Across Kansas. Kansas Committee for the Humanities, Wichita, KS. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2018, September 8). Oshá (Ligusticum porteri), the Most Sacred Medicinal Plant of the Gila. New Mexico Native Plant Society, (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2018, June 6). Arikara (Sahnish) Ethnobotany. Society for Economic Botany Conference, Madison, WI.
Kindscher, K. (2018, April 22). Preserving the Last Wild Places of Douglas County. The Lawrence Unitarian Congregation.
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 14). Medicinal Plants of the Prairie. Montana Native Plant Society 2017 Annual Meeting, Lambert, MT. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 7). Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Advanced Master Gardener Training, Manhattan, KS. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 7). The Native Medicinal Plant Research Program. Advanced Master Gardener Training, Manhattan, KS. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, May 4). A Botanists Work in Discovery of Anti-Cancer Compounds: the Native Medicinal Plant Program at the University of Kansas. University of Michigan Medicinal Chemistry Departmental Seminar, Ann Arbor, MI. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, April 24). Native Plants for Your Yard or Garden. Lawrence Public Library Educational Event, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, April 12). Medicinal Plant Research Program at KU. Marais des Cygnes District Extension Master Gardeners Event- Native Medicinal Plants, Paola, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, March 7). Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Kansas Land Trust Book Discussion, Douglas County Fairgrounds, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, February 24). Native Medicinal Plant - Echinacea and Medicines of the Prairie. Ecology Seminar Series, Kansas Biological Survey, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, February 8). Douglas County Natural Areas Assessment. City of Lawrence Planning Commission Mid-Month Meeting, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, January 31). Current Research and Monitoring. Oshá Harvest and Management Workshop, Durango, CO.
Kindscher, K. (2016, September 29). Echinacea - Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. University of Kansas Department of Geography & Atmospheric Science Colloquium, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2016, April 20). Research on Native Medicinal Plants. Seventh Annual Paul Buck Memorial Lecture in Plant Ecology, University of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK. (Invited)
Other Presentations
Kindscher, K. (2017, April 1). American Midwest. Grasslandia! Spencer Museum of Art, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, February 16). The Native Medicinal Plant Research Program at KU. Johnson County Extension Master Gardeners Event- Native Medicinal Plants, Olathe, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2016, January 22). Design at the Nexus of FEW. Innovations at the Nexus of Food-Energy-Water Symposium, University of Kansas, The Commons.
Moody, J. & Kindscher, K. The Sustainable Harvest of Osha, Ligusticum porteri. American Herbal Products Assn. Botanical Congress, Las Vegas, NV. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 24). The Restoration of Prairie Acre. Prairie Acre Open House, University of Kansas Prairie Acre.
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 16). Native Medicinal Plants of the Prairie. Southwest Missouri Master Naturalists Association, Springfield, MO.
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 10). Sustainable Harvest of Osha, Ligusticum porteri, an Important Medicinal Plant of the Southwest U.S. Natural Areas Conference, Fort Collins, CO.
Kindscher, K. (2017, October 7). Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Advanced Master Gardener Training, Forum Hall, Kansas State University Union, Manhattan, KS. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, May 4). A Botanists Work in Discovery of Anti-Cancer Compounds: the Native Medicinal Plant Program at the University of Kansas. University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2017, April 24). Native Plants for Your Yard or Garden. Lawrence, Kansas Public Library.
Kindscher, K. (2017, April 12). Medicinal Plant Research Program at KU. Marais des Cygnes District Extension Master Gardeners, Paola, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, April 1). American Midwest. Grasslandia!, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas.
Kindscher, K. (2017, March 7). Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Douglas County, KS Fairgrounds.
Kindscher, K. (2017, February 24). Native Medicinal Plant - Echinacea and Medicines of the Prairie. Ecology Seminar Series, Kansas Biological Survey, Higuchi Hall, University of Kansas.
Kindscher, K. (2017, February 16). The Native Medicinal Plant Research Program at KU. Johnson County Extension Master Gardeners, Olathe, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2017, February 8). Douglas County Natural Areas Assessment. City of Lawrence Planning Commission Mid-Month Meeting, Lawrence, KS City Hall.
Kindscher, K. (2017, January 31). Current Research and Monitoring. Oshá Harvest and Management Workshop, San Juan National Forest, Durango, CO.
Kindscher, K. (2016, November 4). Natural Areas as Sources of Native Medicinal Plants for Research. Missouri Botanical Symposium, Rolla, MO. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2016, April 6). Echinacea: Herbal Medicine with a Wild History. Science and Technology Seminar Series, Northeastern State University, Tahlequah, OK. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2016, February 12). Native Medicinal Plants of the Prairie. Horticultural Sciences Day, Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2015, April 10). Prairie Ethnobotany. The Native Medicinal Plant Research Program. Plants, People & Beyond: the annual Library-Botany lecture, Oklahoma State University-Stillwater. (Invited)
Kindscher, K. (2014, September 9). Sustainable Harvest of Echinacea and Osha on National Forest Lands. National Assessment of Non-Timber Forest Products, USDA National Forest Service, Raleigh, NC.
Kindscher, K. (2014, January 8). Riparian Vegetation of the Gila River. Gila River Ecological Flows Workshop, The Nature Conservancy of New Mexico, Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM.
Kindscher, K., Castle, L., Leopold, S. & Craft, R. (2013, May 16). Ranking Tool for Medicinal Plants at Risk of Being Overharvested in the Wild. Society for Ethnobiology conference.
Kindscher, K. (2013, May 14). Prairie Ethnobotany—honoring traditional knowledge for uses of native plants today. Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Ft. Worth, TX.
Kindscher, K. (2012, October 12). The Sustainability of Harvest of Osha (Ligusticum porteri), an Important Medicinal Plant of the Southwest United States. Natural Areas Association conference, Norfolk, VA.
Kindscher, K. (2012, July 31). Wild Tomatillos (Physalis species) as Food and Medicine. International Congress on Natural Product Research (American Pharmacognosy Assn), New York, NY.
Kindscher, K. (2011, June 18). Medicinal Plants of the Prairie—What we have learned, what we are learning, and why we should protect our prairies and their diversity. Missouri Prairie Foundation Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO.
Kindscher, K. (2010, November 5). Should Wind Energy be Developed in the Kansas Flint Hills? One of five panelists for the NSF IGERT Climate Change Program at the University of Kansas.
Kindscher, K. (2010, October 15). Medicinal Plants of the Gila Region, New Mexico. Third Natural History of the Gila Symposium, Silver City, NM.
Kindscher, K. (2010, February 16). Native Medicinal Plants. For the Minority Access to Research Careers Program, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.
Kindscher, K. (2008, October 17). Wetlands Along the Gila River in Southwest, New Mexico. Gila Natural History Symposium, Silver City, NM.
Kindscher, K. (2008, October 3). The History and Impacts of Echinacea angustifolia Harvest in Kansas. Kansas Native Plant Society, Hays, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2008, April 17). Re-Sprouting of Echinacea angustifolia Augments Sustainability of Wild Medicinal Plant Populations. Society for Ethnobiology, Fayetteville, AR.
Kindscher, K., Pitts, R., Martyn, A. & Crowe, N. (2007, June 5). Winnebago Ethnobotany and Botanical Resources Project. Economic Botany Conference, Chicago, IL.
Kindscher, K. & Long, Q. (2007, April 24). Disturbance Regimes Alter Forb Colonization in Warm-Season Grass Plantings. 2nd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Kindscher, K. (2006, October 7). Vegetation of the Gila River. Natural History of the Gila: A Southwestern New Mexico Symposium. Western New Mexico University, Silver City, NM.
Kindscher, K. (2006, September 22). Prairies Found and Prairies Lost: Inventory Work in Northeast Kansas. Natural Areas Association Conference, Flagstaff, AZ.
Kindscher, K., Norris, W., Jennings, R. & Shook, R. (2006, September 14). From the Mountains to the Desert: Flora and Fauna of the Gila River Corridor in New Mexico. Gila River Festival, Silco Theatre, Silver City, NM.
Kindscher, K. (2006, April 21). Preservation and Restoration of the Prairie. Earth Day Forum, Lawrence, KS.
Kindscher, K. (2005, November 5). At Risk Medicinal Plants. Southern Medicinal Plants Symposium, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, GA.
Kindscher, K. (2005, October 15). Wild Medicinal Plant Harvest in the United States: A case study of Echinacea species. Guru Nanak Khalsa College, Bombay, India.
Kindscher, K. & Noguera, E. (2004, March 25). How the Poisonous Silverleaf Nightshade Berries Are Used in Making Asadero Cheese. Society for Ethnobiology Conference, Davis, CA.
Manfredi, K. & Kindscher, K. (2003, September 22). Native Prairie Plants as Sources of New Pharmaceuticals. 38th Midwest Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Columbia, MO.
Kindscher, K. (2003, June 3). The Conservation Status of Echinacea Species. Economic Botany Conference, Tucson, AZ.
Kindscher, K. (2002, November 15). Echinacea - A Case Study of Medicinal Plant Use, Exploitation and Conservation. Department of Animal Ecology, Iowa State University.
Kindscher, K. (2002, October 29). The Importance of Biodiversity for Land Trusts. Land Trust Rally, Austin, TX.
Kindscher, K. (2001, January 22). Preserving Prairies, Preserving Plants throughout the Midwest and Great Plains. Environmental Studies Program, Baylor University.
Kindscher, K. & Stewart, A. (2000, July 28). Using GIS to Prioritize Tallgrass Prairie Conservation in the Kansas Flint Hills. Land Conservation Summit 2000, University of Minnesota.
Kindscher, K. (1999, June 5). Prairie Field Trip and KU Herbarium Tour for the 1999 International Echinacea Symposium. Kansas City, MO.
Kindscher, K. (1999, February 5). Playa Lake Wetlands: Identification and Protection of Wetlands in the Dust Bowl Region. Nature and Culture Colloquium, Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas.
Kindscher, K., Mehaffey, M. & Fraser, A. (1998, June 9). Comparisons of Five Kansas Department of Transportation Wetland Mitigation Sites in Eastern Kansas. 19th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Anchorage, AK.
Kindscher, K., Hurlburt, D. & Flaster, T. (1998, April 16). Echinacea angustifolia —The Prime Crop of a Kansas Medicinal Plant Industry. 21st Annual Society for Ethnobiology conference, University of Nevada, Reno.
Kindscher, K., Fraser, A., Jakubauskas, M. & Debinski, D. (1997, June 2). Vegetation Differences in Remotely Sensed Wetlands of Grand Teton National Park. Society for Wetland Scientists conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT.
Kindscher, K. (1996, March 30). Ethnobotanically Useful Prairie Plants Collected for Anti-cancer and Anti-HIV Compound Testing. 19th Annual Conference of the Society for Ethnobiology, Santa Barbara, CA.
Awards & Honors —
Preservation Achievement Award (group award), Lawrence Preservation Alliance, Lawrence, KS (2019)
Herbal Insight Award, American Herbal Products Association (2019)
Grants & Other Funded Activity —
Externally Funded Grants and Contracts
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Ethnobotanical Research, Mapping and Monitoring on the Rio Grande National Forest. U.S. Forest Service $12,000 (June 6, 2017 - September 30, 2022).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Ethnobotany and Plant Conservation Education Program. Project # 1001128, Kingsbury Family Foundation $70,000 (May 1, 2019 - April 30, 2022).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). A Study in the Integration of Western Knowledge and Native American Knowledge Bases. History Colorado and the National Science Foundation $24,063 (October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2020).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Sustainability Study of Wild Populations of Osha (Ligusticum porteri) in the San Juan National Forest. U.S. Forest Service $4,000 (August 18, 2015 - July 31, 2020).
Kindscher, K. Vouchered Echinacea Specimen Collections. Herbalife Nutrition $4,536 (July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020).
Kindscher, K. (Principal), Warrior, R. (Co-Investigator) & Akers, N. (Co-Investigator). Osage Ethnobotany at Pea Ridge National Military Park: Inventory and Documentation Project. 43945, National Park Service $90,000 (September 1, 2018 - June 30, 2020).
Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal) & Delisle, J. (Principal). Identifying potential project areas for the protection of natural and cultural resources in Douglas County, Kansas. Douglas County Heritage Conservation Council $104,457 (June 15, 2017 - June 15, 2020).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Re-Inventory of Wetlands on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Reservation. 28011, Prairie Band $23,887 (May 1, 2018 - October 31, 2019).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Management and Restoration of Somerset Properties. Jon Baum $9,828 (May 1, 2018 - April 30, 2019).
Kindscher, K. (Principal), & Busby, W. (Co-Principal). Floristic Quality and Breeding Bird Assessment of Sites in Southeast Kansas. Kansas Dept. of Health & Environment and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service $100,544, Submitted August 7, 2015 (January 1, 2016 - December 31, 2018).
Kindscher, K. (Principal) & Martin, L.M. (Co-Principal). The Kansas Medicinal Plant Education and Conservation Project. The Kingsbury Family Foundation $75,000, Submitted July 6, 2015 (July 1, 2015 - July 1, 2018).
Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal), & Houts, M. (Principal). Geographic Information System (GIS) & Remote Sensing Support Services. Kansas Dept. of Wildlife Parks & Tourism and U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service $66,130, Submitted May 5, 2017 (July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Sustainability Study of Wild Populations of Osha, Ligusticum porteri. American Herbal Products Association $10,001, Submitted April 19, 2017 (June 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Management and Restoration of Miami County Properties. Jon Baum $17,000 (April 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018).
Padget, S. (Principal), McDonald, R. (Co-Principal), Rath, E. (Co-Principal), Sanguinetti-Rivas, P. (Co-Principal) & Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal). FEW Workshop Proposal: Defining the Opportunities and Challenges for Research and Design Strategies to support Innovations at the Nexus of Food, Energy, and Water Systems (INFEWS). CBET-1559379, National Science Foundation $38,601 (November 15, 2015 - October 31, 2017).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Task order KS-016-FY17 under Data Sharing and Cooperative Agreement between the State Natural Heritage Program and NatureServe. Nature Serve $2,001, Submitted July 29, 2016 (August 1, 2016 - July 31, 2017).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Sustainability Study of Wild Populations of Osha (Ligusticum porteri). American Herbal Products Association Foundation $30,000 (August 2014 - July 2017).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Sustainability Study of Wild Populations of Osha (Ligusticum porteri) in the Rio Grande National Forest. U.S. Forest Service $18,000 (July 2012 - July 2017).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Ambrosia Collections. University of Michigan and European Egyptian Pharmaceutical Industry (EEPI) $5,000, Submitted May 31, 2016 (June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017).
Kindscher, K. (Principal). Grassland Plant Communities and Systems Review. NatureServe $4,410 (December 1, 2015 - December 31, 2016).
Corbett, S. & Kindscher, K. The Kansas Medicinal Plant Education and Conservation Project. The Kingsbury Family Foundation $74,250 (July 2011 - June 2014).
Kindscher, K. New Sources of Nutritional Properties from Plants. Kellogg Company. Battle Creek, MI $60,000 (January 2013 - December 2013).
Timmermann, B. & Kindscher, K. Innovation Center for Advanced Plant Design: Plants for the Heartland, Year 3. Heartland Plant Innovations (Kansas BioScience Authority) $500,000 (July 2011 - December 2013).
Kindscher, K. Sustainability Study of Wild Populations of Osha (Ligusticum porter). American Herbal Products Association Foundation $10,000 (August 2012 - July 2013).
Timmermann, B. & Kindscher, K. Pharmacy Garden at the KU School of Pharmacy. Heartland Plant Innovations $20,000 (August 2010 - July 2013).
Kindscher, K. United Plant Savers At-Risk List Medicinal Plant Project. United Plant Savers $8,000 (July 2012 - June 2013).
Kindscher, K. & Corbett, S. Rare Species Survey for Ft. Scott, Kansas Municipal Airport Expansion. H.W. Lochner, Inc $5,000 (September 2011 - December 2011).
Timmermann, B. & Kindscher, K. Innovation Center for Advanced Plant Design: Plants for the Heartland, Year 2. Heartland Plant Innovations (Kansas BioScience Authority) $1,022,682 (July 2010 - June 2011).
Timmermann, B. & Kindscher, K. Innovation Center for Advanced Plant Design: Plants for the Heartland, Year 1. Heartland Plant Innovations (Kansas BioScience Authority) $828,811 (July 2009 - July 2010).
Kindscher, K. Vegetation Classification and Mapping for the Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve and Homestead National Monument. U.S. Department of Interior, National Park Service $88,230 (March 2007 - July 2010).
Peltier, E., Young, B. & Kindscher, K. Assessment of the Short- and Long-Term Effectiveness of Bio-retention Cells Treating Paved Surface Runoff in Lenexa, Kansas. City of Lenexa, Kansas $59,040 (January 2008 - June 2010).
Kindscher, K., Freeman, C., Busby, W. & Delisle, J. A Systematic Inventory for Natural Areas and Habitat of Protected and Rare Species in Anderson and Linn Counties, and Implementation of Previous and Current Findings in Northeast Kansas Counties. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks $240,760 (October 2007 - December 2009).
Kindscher, K. Developing a Native Ecosystem and Prairie Grazing Management Plan for Smoky Hill Air National Guard Range, Kansas. HydroGeoLogic, Inc. $13,500 (October 2008 - September 2009).
Busby, W., Freeman, C., Delisle, J. & Kindscher, K. A Natural Areas Inventory of the Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation, Kansas: Follow-up Studies. U.S. Army $100,000 (September 2007 - September 2008).
Kindscher, K. Land-Fire Central U.S. Plot Vegetation Data. NatureServe $6,500 (September 2007 - September 2008).
Kindscher, K. Mead's Milkweed Monitoring/Management Plan for Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service $5,000 (August 2007 - September 2008).
Kindscher, K. & Busby, W. Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Habitat of Concern in the Gila River Riparian Zone. New Mexico Department of Game and Fish $129,533 (August 2005 - September 2008).
Kindscher, K. Measuring Habitat Quality Using Floristic Quality Assessment Techniques in Select Locations in the Cherokee County Superfund Site. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service $39,985 (June 2007 - May 2008).
Kindscher, K. Winnebago Ethnobotany and Botanical Resources Project. Little Priest Tribal College, Winnebago, NE $27,008 (June 2006 - May 2008).
Kettle, D., Busby, W., Alexander, H., Ashworth, S., Delisle, J., Foster, B., Freeman, C., Kindscher, K. & Martinko, E. Prairie Restoration and Outreach in Eastern Kansas - Phase II. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation $75,953 (March 2007 - February 2008).
Kindscher, K. A Comparison of Multiple Strategies for the Introduction of Native Forbs to Warm Season Grass Plantings. University of Missouri - Columbia (Prairie Fork Conservation Fund) $17,796 (February 2005 - February 2008).
Foster, B. & Kindscher, K. Multi-scaled Constraints on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function in the Secondary Grasslands of Eastern Kansas. USDA National Resource Initiative $350,000 (September 2002 - September 2007).
Busby, W., Delisle, J., Freeman, C. & Kindscher, K. A Natural Features Inventory of the Smoky Hill ANG Range - Control and Abatement of Invasive and Non-Native Species. U.S. Air Force - Headquarters $71,460 (November 2005 - June 2007).
Busby, W., Delisle, J., Freeman, C. & Kindscher, K. A Natural Features Inventory of the Smoky Hill ANG Range, Supplemental Grant. U.S. Air Force - Headquarters $100,000 (June 2002 - June 2007).
Kindscher, K. & Delisle, J. Vegetation Mapping and Plant Certification at Fort Larned NHS. National Park Service $13,156 (June 2006 - May 2007).
Kettle, D., Busby, W., Alexander, H., Foster, B., Freeman, C., Kindscher, K. & Martinko, E. Prairie restoration and outreach in eastern Kansas. National Fish and Wildlife Foundation $80,000 (June 2005 - February 2007).
Kindscher, K., Busby, B. & Delisle, J. Biological Inventory of Fort Larned Historical Site of the Southern Plains Network. National Park Service $22,670 (April 2005 - September 2006).
Kindscher, K., Drisko, J., Freeman, C. & Lauver, C. National Conservation Assessment of Echinacea Species. U.S. Forest Service $90,000 (September 2001 - May 2006).
Kindscher, K. Survey of Natural Area Sites in Cherokee County, Kansas. Phelps Dodge Corporation $30,000 (July 2005 - March 2006).
White, S. & Kindscher, K. Planning for Land Conservation: A Pilot Project for Miami County, Kansas. Kingsbury Foundation $17,773 (January 2005 - October 2005).
Kindscher, K., Busby, W. & Freeman, C. A Systematic Inventory for Natural Areas, Focused on Habitat of Protected and Rare Species in Johnson, Wyandotte, Miami, Leavenworth and Douglas Counties in Kansas. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (USFWS State Wildlife Grant) $177,787 (January 2004 - September 2005).
Freeman, C., Busby, W., Delisle, J. & Kindscher, K. Data Management System for Information about Protected and Rare Species in Kansas. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks (USFWS State Wildlife Grant) $57,136 (January 2004 - September 2005).
Drisko, J., Barnoskie, R., Smith, M., Kindscher, K., Weick, A., Prue, B., Peterson, J., Nichols, M. & Corbett, S. Reclaiming a Healthy History. Paul J. Patton Trust $120,692 (August 2003 - June 2005).
Busby, W., Delisle, J., Freeman, C. & Kindscher, K. A Natural Features Inventory of the Smoky Hill ANG Range. U.S. Air Force - Headquarters $170,341 (June 2002 - June 2005).
Kindscher, K. Mapping the Tallgrass Prairie in the Kansas Flint Hills. Kansas Corporation Commission $13,000 (September 2004 - April 2005).
Kettle, D., Busby, W., Delisle, J., Freeman, C. & Kindscher, K. Field Work and Activities in Support of Integrated Natural Resource Management Planning at Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation. US Army $27,603 (April 2004 - December 2004).
Kindscher, K. Buck Mountain Ranch Project. Terry Fox, Buck Mountain Ranch $9,902 (June 2003 - May 2004).
Freeman, C. & Kindscher, K. Vegetation survey of Fort Riley, Kansas. U.S. Army $150,000 (February 2002 - February 2004).
Freeman, C., Busby, B. & Kindscher, K. Establishment of a Data Management System for Information About Protected and Rare Species in Kansas: A Joint Effort Between the Kansas Biological Survey and Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. $49,180 (June 2002 - December 2003).
Kindscher, K. Useful Plants of the Big Bend National Park/Chihuahuan Desert Region. Elizabeth Winston Mize $37,000 (November 2001 - December 2003).
Freeman, C., Busby, W., Kettle, D. & Kindscher, K. A Natural Features Inventory of the Fort Leavenworth Military Reservation. U.S. Army (USARMRAA) $98,288 (July 2002 - July 2003).
Price, K., Martinko, E., Egbert, S., Jakubauskas, M., Crooks, T., Whistler, J., Foster, B., Martin, C., Kindscher, K., Kettle, D. & Tian, H. Linking Remote Sensing, Land Use,and Carbon Sequestration: Insights from Leaf to Landscape Scales in America's Heartland. 2001 NASA Carbon Cycle $997,800 (June 2001 - May 2003).
Kindscher, K. & Freeman, C. Southeast Kansas Floristic Quality Assessment. Kansas Department of Health and Environment $10,000 (May 2002 - April 2003).
Debinski, D. & Kindscher, K. Long-Term Monitoring of Montane Meadow Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Grand Teton Natural History Association $12,500 (May 2001 - March 2003).
Kindscher, K. Using Ecological Systems as Land Cover Map Units for the GAP Analysis System. NatureServe $21,566 (September 2001 - December 2002).
Kindscher, K. Prairie Restoration at the Somerset Site in Miami County, Kansas. Kenneth Baum $27,119 (July 1998 - December 2002).
Kettle, D. & Kindscher, K. Preliminary Analysis of Historic Vegetation in the Marais des Cygnes Ecosystem (Kansas). Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks $4,200 (November 2001 - November 2002).
Kindscher, K. Playa Lakes Wetland Educational Project. USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service $26,000 (September 2000 - September 2002).
deNoyelles, F., Graham, D. & Kindscher, K. A Pilot Program for the Remediation of Soils at Abandoned Exploration/Production Oil Field Sites in Kansas. Conservation Division of the Kansas Corporation Commission $96,000 (February 1999 - August 2002).
Kindscher, K. Vegetation Monitoring of Cheyenne Bottoms Wetland Restoration Project. The Nature Conservancy $46,439 (May 1999 - April 2002).
Kindscher, K. Botanical Surveys at the Thurmond Ranch, Dempsey Divide, Cheyenne, Oklahoma. Pete Thurmond $6,000 (December 2000 - February 2002).
Kindscher, K. Certification of Echinacea Species Identity by DNA Sequence Analysis. Phylogenetix Laboratories, Inc $20,370 (May 2000 - October 2000).
Kindscher, K. Seed Collection for the City of Lawrence's Wetland Prairie Restoration. City of Lawrence, KS $16,443 (September 1999 - September 2000).
Kindscher, K. Sustainable Wild Harvest of Echinacea angustifolia, a Native Prairie Medicinal Plant. Plantation Medicinals Inc. $6,534 (March 1999 - December 1999).
Debinski, D. (Principal), Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal) & Jakubauskas, M. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Montane Meadows and Biodiversity in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. Environmental Protection Agency STAR grant $656,462 (October 1996 - December 1999).
Kindscher, K. Prairie Restoration at the Blue River Site in Johnson County, Kansas. Kenneth Baum $19,200 (1995 - 1999).
Kindscher, K. Landscape Features and Roadless Areas of the Flint Hills. The Wildlands Project $5,000 (October 1998 - September 1999).
Kindscher, K. Wetland Restoration Monitoring at Cheyenne Bottoms for 1998. Kansas Chapter of the Nature Conservancy $12,000 (March 1998 - June 1999).
Kindscher, K. & Rich, P. (Co-Principal). Development of a GIS Database for the Flint Hills - Osage Plains Ecoregional Plan - 1998. The Midwest Office of the Nature Conservancy $22,394 (January 1998 - December 1998).
Kindscher, K. Restoration and Monitoring Work for the Santa Fe Wetland Mitigation Site - Part II. Douglas County, KS $9,600 (December 1996 - December 1998).
Kindscher, K. Rangeland Biodiversity and Rotational Grazing. Kansas Rural Center $4,837 (1995 - 1998).
Kindscher, K. 1997 Wetland Restoration Monitoring at Cheyenne Bottoms. Kansas Chapter of the Nature Conservancy $9,600 (April 1997 - December 1997).
Kindscher, K. & Rich, P. (Co-Principal). Development of a GIS Database for the Flint Hills - Osage Plains Ecoregional Plan. The Midwest Office of the Nature Conservancy $17,980 (January 1997 - December 1997).
Kindscher, K. Adding Value to Kansas-Grown Medicinal Plant Products. Kansas Department of Commerce and Housing $11,500 (September 1996 - December 1997).
Kindscher, K. Wetland Restoration Monitoring at Cheyenne Bottoms. Kansas Chapter of The Nature Conservancy $8,500 (March 1996 - December 1997).
Kindscher, K. Management Plans for Enhancing Wildlife and Environmental Benefits - Part II. Western Resources $3,000 (February 1996 - December 1997).
Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal) & Pogge, E. Wetland Mitigation Projects in Kansas and the Development of Cost-Effective Methods and Procedures for Future Projects. Kansas Department of Transportation and U.S. Mid-American Transportation Council $113,880 (1995 - 1997).
Kindscher, K. Wetlands Conservation Plan for the Potawatomi Indian Reservation, Kansas. Potawatomi Indian Tribe and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency $21,385 (1995 - 1997).
Kindscher, K. & Busby, W. (Co-Principal). Wildlife Conservation Plan for the Potawatomi Indian Reservation, Kansas. Potawatomi Indian Tribe and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services $20,772 (1995 - 1997).
Kindscher, K. Vegetation Analysis of Playa Lake Wetlands - 1996 Data Collection. USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service $4,000 (June 1996 - March 1997).
Kindscher, K. A Study of Wetlands and Wildlife in Jackson County, Kansas. Western Resources $6,000 (1995 - 1996).
Kindscher, K. Vegetation Analysis of Playa Lake Wetlands - 1995 Data Collection and Final Report. USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (SCS) $8,000 (1995 - 1996).
Kindscher, K. Restoration and Monitoring Work for the Santa Fe Wetland Mitigation Site. Douglas County Commission, Lawrence, KS $29,600 (1993 - 1996).
Kindscher, K. Ethnobotanical Uses of Plants and Presettlement Vegetation of the Potawatomi Reservation. Potawatomi Indian Tribe $2,000 (1995).
Kindscher, K. Management Plans for Enhancing Wildlife and Environmental Benefits. Western Resources $10,000 (1995).
Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal) & Manfredi, K. Natural Products from Medicinal Plants of the Prairie as Leads to Anti-HIV and Anti-Cancer Compounds. Iowa Academy of Science $5,000 (1995).
Kindscher, K., & Lauver, C. (Co-Principal). Wetland Survey of the Sunflower Army Ammunition Depot. North American Realty Advisors Services, New York $5,000 (1995).
Kindscher, K. Inventory and Vegetation Analysis of Playa Lakes in Southwest Kansas. USDA Soil Conservation Service $12,000 (1994 - 1995).
Kindscher, K. Water Quality of Playa Lake Wetlands and Regional Wetland Plant Species Lists for Kansas. USDA Soil Conservation Service $2,000 (1994 - 1995).
Kindscher, K. (Co-Principal), Lauver, C., Busby, W. & Whistler, J. Identification and Delineation of Loggerhead Shrike Habitat on the Fort Riley Military Reservation. U.S. Army, Ft. Riley Military Reservation $50,000 (1993 - 1995).
Kindscher, K. Land Tenure in the Flint Hills. Kansas Chapter of the Sierra Club $2,000 (1993 - 1994).
Kindscher, K. Old-Growth Forest Definition of Western Hardwood Gallery Forest. USDA Forest Service $6,500 (1993 - 1994).
Internal Grants
Timmermann, B. & Kindscher, K. Continuing Discovery of Novel Biomedical Leads from Kansas Plants. KU Strategic Initiative, Research Investment Council: Level I Proposal $400,000 (January 2013 - December 2015).
Stock, P., Miller, T., Kindscher, K., Meyer, K., Rosin, C., Carolan, M., Gille, Z. & Shoffstall, G. Food Utopias: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Ideal Food Systems. The Commons, University of Kansas $14,300 (October 2012 - September 2013).
Service —
Member, search committee outside member for environmental rhetoric faculty position (English Department) (2014 - 2015)
Speaker, University of Kansas College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Mini-College. University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden and Field Station Presentation and Tour (June 2, 2015)
Chair, EVRN Departmental Director Search Committee (September 2017 - December 2017)
Director, Native Medicinal Plant Research Program and Garden (August 2010 - Present)
School of Pharmacy Medicinal Plant Garden (August 2010 - Present)
Guest Lecturer, Ethnobotany. University of Kansas MDCM 606 Phytomedicinal Agents Course (November 15, 2016)
Guest Lecturer, Ethnobotany, Tools for Natural Products and Drug Discovery. University of Kansas MDCM 607 Clinical Pharmacognosy course. (March 1, 2016)
Guest Lecturer, Sociology of Global Food Garden Tour. University of Kansas EVRN 519 Sociology of Global Food course, University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden and Student Farm. (September 25, 2015)
Guest Lecturer, Native Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants. Undergraduate Anthropology Association. (April 23, 2015)
Guest Lecturer, Wetland soils and delineation. Joint University of Kansas EVRN 420/Haskell Wakarusa Wetlands course. (April 22, 2015)
Guest Lecturer, Sociology of Global Food Garden Tour. University of Kansas EVRN 519 Sociology of Global Food course, University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden and Student Farm. (April 3, 2015)
Guest Lecturer, Ethnobotany, Tools for Natural Products and Drug Discovery. University of Kansas MDCM 607 Clinical Pharmacognosy course. (March 3, 2015)
Guest Lecturer, Wetland Plants and Ethnobotany, Joint University of Kansas EVRN 420/Haskell Wakarusa Wetlands course. (February 18, 2015)
Member, KBS Service Committee (service to State of Kansas) (Fall 2019 - Present)
Member, KBS Sustainability Committee (Fall 2019 - Present)
Member, EVRN Promotion and Tenure Committee (August 2016 - Present)
Member, KBS Promotion and Tenure Committee (August 2016 - Present)
Member, EVRN Executive Committee (2013 - Present)
Member, KBS Annual Evaluation Committee (2011 - Present)
Member, EVRN Graduate Program Committee (August 2016 - 2019)
Chair, Environmental Studies Zadigan Research Scholarship Committee (2013 - 2018)
Member, PSM Environmental Assessment Graduate Affairs Committee (2015 - 2017)
Member, Environmental Studies Personnel Committee (2010 - December 31, 2017)
Member, Indigenous Studies Executive Committee (2013 - 2016)
Member, Search Committee for EVRN/KBS aquatic ecologist faculty (2014 - 2015)
Member, Search Committee for KBS/EEB theoretical ecologist faculty (2014 - 2015)
Presenter, Dedication of Baldwin Woods Forest Preserve Walk. (October 29, 2016)
Presenter, Annual Fall Tour Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (September 17, 2016)
Presenter, Herb Study Group Tour Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (June 18, 2016)
Presenter, Annual Summer Tour Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (June 11, 2016)
Presenter, Douglas County Natural Areas Inventory Report Presentation, Lawrence, Kansas Public Library. (May 23, 2016)
Presenter, Annual Fall Tour Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (September 19, 2015)
Presenter, Annual Summer Tour Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (June 13, 2015)
Presenter, Douglas County Heritage Grant Survey, Kansas Biological Survey Prairie and Woodland Habitat Survey of Douglas County. (April 18, 2015)
Coordinator, Prairie Acre Restoration Project (2015 - Present)
Coordinator, Prairie Acre Restoration Planting Day (April 24, 2016)
Faculty Advisor, KU Community Garden, student community garden organization (2010 - Present)
Faculty Advisor, KU Environs student environmental organization (1998 - Present)
Guest Speaker, Architecture as Access to the Landscape, Design+Make Studio Kansas State University, University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden and Field Station. (October 2, 2015)
Guest Speaker, Native Medicinal Plant Garden Ethnobotany Talk and Tour, Haskell Indian Nations University Botany Course, University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (September 17, 2015)
Guest Speaker, Sustainable Harvest of Osha (Ligusticum porteri). Western State Colorado University Plants & Soils course, Web Seminar. (August 31, 2015)
Guest Speaker, Exploring KU's Natural History. The Oread Project: Sustainability across the Curriculum, The Center for Design Research. (May 18, 2015)
Guest Speaker, Native Prairie Plants - Ethnobotany and Ecology Field Day, Kansas State University and Fire Consortium, University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden and Rockefeller Prairie. (May 15, 2015)
Guest Speaker, Wild Tomatillos and Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden Tour, William Jewel College Ethnobotany Course, University of Kansas Native Medicinal Plant Research Garden. (April 28, 2015)
Professional Service
Advisory board member, United Plant Savers, East Barre, VT, a medicinal plant conservation organization (2006 - Present)
Board member, Kansas Land Trust, Lawrence, KS, a nonprofit organization founded to protect natural areas and open space in Kansas (1992 - Present)
Board member, Prairie Plains Resource Institute, Aurora, NE (2015 - 2018)
Science Advisory Board, Tallgrass Prairie Preserve, National Park Service (1998 - 2004)
Land Management Advisory Board, Kansas Chapter of the Nature Conservancy (1999 - 2003)
Board of directors, Tallgrass Legacy Alliance, Eureka, KS, a working group of ranchers, farmers and agencies promoting tallgrass prairie conservation values and land protection (2000 - 2006)
Development committee chair, American Community Garden Association (1985 - 1988)
Co-founder, Kansas Area Watershed (KAW) Council, a grassroots bioregional organization representing the Kansas River watershed and the North American Prairie (1982 - 1998)
Committee Member, ECO2, A Lawrence, Kansas Chamber of Commerce Study Group to Identify Future Industrial Park and Open Space Lands. (2000 - 2003)
Presenter, Medicinal Prairie Plants: History and Recent Findings, Tallgrass Prairie National Preserve Celebration, Strong City, KS. (June 19, 2016)
Book Reviewer, Cattail Moonshine & Milkweed Medicine: The Curious Stories of 43 Amazing North American Native Plants. (2016)
Book Reviewer, Where There's Smoke: How Marijuana is Damaging the Environment and Transforming Politics, University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas, United States. (2015)
Manuscript Reviewer, Hidatsa Ethnobotany: An Edited and Expanded Version of Gilbert L. Wilson's 1916 Field Records, North Dakota State University Press. (February 27, 2017)
Public Service
Member, Delaware Tribe Collaboration, committee established by Douglas County commissioner to work with the Delaware Tribe on an educational and land use plan for newly purchased lands adjacent to North Lawrence. Lawrence, KS, United States (2015 - 2019)
Guest Speaker, Flint Hills Discovery Center, Edible and Medicinal Wild Plants of the Prairie. Manhattan, KS (November 19, 2019)
Guest Speaker, Sierra Club, Topeka, KS, Ethnobotany and Land Protection in Kansas. Topeka, KS (October 8, 2019)
Guest Speaker, Kansas Wetlands Educational Center, Wild Foods and Medicine from Cheyenne Bottoms. Great Bend, KS (October 6, 2019)
Guest Speaker, Akins Prairie Plant Walk, Kansas Land Trust. Douglas County, KS (June 22, 2019)
Guest Speaker, KU Medicinal Plant Research Garden Tour. Lawrence, KS (June 21, 2019)
Guest Speaker, Kansas University Endowment Association, Prairies and Prairie Plants. Kansas City, KS (May 30, 2019)
Guest Speaker, Kaw Valley Herb Study Group, An Evening with Kelly Kindscher, KU Medicinal Plant Garden. Lawrence, KS (April 9, 2019)
Memberships —
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Botanical Council
Natural Areas Association
Society for Economic Botany
Society for Ethnobiology
Society for Wetland Scientists
Co-founder and board member, Kansas Land Trust
Board member, Prairie Plains Resource Institute